Friday, February 16, 2007


There seems to be a phenomenon taking over the male population. It strikes again and again and it's so not cool. It's the tucked-in shirt. I don't know why or how but for some reason men of all ages, races, social status, height, weight, etc seem to subscribe to this craziness. And I'm not talking like a night at a fancy dinner where of course it's fine to wear slacks and a tucked in button down shirt. I'm talking about the casual looking, hang out on Friday night, tuck in your shirt. Why is this ever appropriate? It just isn't. Someone needs to tell these men. That's why they are still single. They tuck in polo shirts, t-shirts, long sleeve, and the worst offender is the tucked in short sleeve shirt. EWWWW!!

And you may be thinking it's just geeks. No, it isn't. Trust me. I've had much experience in this lately. This look is not reserved for the nerd. At least then, I might be able to forgive it and chalk it up to geekiness. Honestly I don't know how you can put on an outfit that might be considered cool, then tuck in the shirt, then look in the mirror and say "wow, i look great!" and then walk out the door. It's silly. Pure silly.

I found myself at a bar recently talking to a man that had just come off a bad first date. Somehow we began talking about our likes/dislikes in a mate and I started ranting about how much I hated the tucked in shirt. He became very defensive. In my drunken stupor I chalked it up to whatever. However then I stepped back and noticed that he in fact was guilty of the offense!! No wonder.

Then I went out with a guy who had the tucked in shirt. We met for a drink. Another internet date. I know, I know. I said I would stop but I get bored. So we went out and he started asking me what my pet peeves were. I wanted to say "The tucked in shirt" but realized I couldn't because he was guilty too.

It doesn't end here. I dated someone who tucked their shirt into their pajamas. It just goes on and on.

I'm not saying it's never appropriate. Sometimes it is. But some men just do it when it doesn't need to be done. When it doesn't look right. I know you want to show off your booty but really. It's not necessary.


junk said...

tucked into their pajamaas is just wrong... wrong, wrong, wrong... i agree!

Lucie said...

maybe you should write poem about it and then you can perform it in my kitchen with alongside the man with yet another tucked shirt! ha ha